This is Penn State

Example output


Noramlly it takes about seconds for PS-HomPPI to process a pair of query protein chains. In rare cases, it can take about minutes.

Results will be emailed to you.

A KEY difference between v 1.3 and its previous versions: v 1.3 clusters the dimer templates and outputs predicted residue-residue distances from each cluster. This solves the problem of multiple binding modes.

If after checking the templates identified from one run of PS-HomPPI, you want to exclude interfaces between some chains in the templates, you may submit a second run and use the deletion box.

Here is an example output.


Thank you for using PSHOMPPI v1.3.

The prediction results for your job example is now available.


Predicted Ca-Ca distances for the interface residue pairs can be downloaded from here.

The statistics of sequnece similarity of query and its homo-interologs can be downloaded here. Please note that not all the homo-interologs listed in this file was used by PSHOMPPIv1.3.

The complete run can be downloaded as a gzipped tar file from here.

User input Data

The fasta files of the query proteins is here.

The query ID pair file is here.

The delete file is here.

Query Parameters

Interface atom distance threshold 5 Å
K in K-nearest homologs 10

If you have questions regarding PSHOMPPI v1.3, please visit the corresponding web page(s) or write to Li Xue